4 Ads You Can Start Running Today

4 Ads You Can Start Running Today

By now you know that one of the kings in the castle of digital marketing is advertising. Paying to play is almost required when it comes to having a successful digital marketing campaign, but it can be hard to know where to start. Especially if marketing is not your forte, coming up with ad ideas can be difficult. If you are looking to refresh your digital ads or just need some fresh ideas, check out our 4 favorite ideas for ads you can start running today.

A Likes Campaign

There’s nothing wrong with getting more eyes and likes on your social media pages, so run a likes campaign. They are one of the easiest ads to set up within Facebook’s ad manager. While you’re deciding how to spice up your digital marketing on a deeper level, work now on getting some more followers to your page so that you have a base audience to display it to once it’s done.

4 Ads You Can Start Running Today
4 Ads You Can Start Running Today

Special Offer

If you need a push in sales, run a special offer ad. This type of ad requires the least amount of creativity – all you need is a photo of the product or service, a fun description and, of course, an offer idea to get it up and running. Some offers you can push are:

  • Free with Purchase. People love freebies, so throw something in for free to sweeten the deal. You’ll be surprised how many people will go for it, even if it’s just a downloadable.
  • Free Shipping. Why not offer free shipping for a day and move some of that old inventory out of the door? Shipping costs have proven to be one of the biggest reasons people choose not to make a purchase. Having low-cost or free shipping as a promotion helps to eliminate that issue.
  • Limited Time. Having a limited time offer, such as 20% off or even more, helps put a sense of urgency in the reader. If they’ve been putting off the purchase but see that now is their only chance to get a deal on it, they will act!

Touch on the Pain Points

How does your product make the lives of your target audience better? If you can answer this question in a short sentence, which you should be able to!, turn that sentence into an ad. Finding where your customers need help and identifying it to them is important in them understanding what you do and why you need them, rather than you just telling them that they need you.

Abandoned Cart Ads

Another one of the many ads you can start running today is an abandoned cart ad if you have an e-commerce website. Have you ever looked at a jacket while online shopping and possibly even put it in your cart, then suddenly noticed it has followed you all over the internet? Those are remarketing and retargeting ads for abandoned carts, and you can set them up for your products as well. You can dive even deeper and offer discounts throughout the life of the ad to keep tapping on their shoulder and enticing them.

Still need some help, but ready to get some ads running? Give us a call. We’re experts at this stuff!

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