5 of Our Local Ranking Secrets

5 of Our Local Ranking Secrets

The beautiful thing about digital marketing is that it opens the door for you to promote your product or service worldwide. It can be tempting to want to throw your marketing budget at advertising yourself everywhere possible – why not, right? Actually, this is the biggest mistake that people make with their marketing strategies. It is essential that you first tackle your local market so that you can become more relevant in larger markets. You have to crawl before you walk – but luckily, you can get a hold of your local ranking with some hard work and some of our very best secrets.

Improve Your Website for Better Local Ranking

First thing is first: make sure your website is optimized for local ranking. This includes having your website on a search engine-friendly platform, such as WordPress, and having all the meta fields plugged into it. Your website has seemingly endless nooks and crannies for keywords and key phrases to be found, so make sure you are using your website to it’s fullest potential. While some of this requires some technical know-how, look into hiring an SEO person or agency to help you out with that. You will see your ROI in no time!

Pay Attention

Website backends and reporting tools weren’t created for nothing! Take a look at your Google and Bing analytics to see exactly what your audience is doing and where your traffic is coming from. Getting to know your user patterns is important for many reasons. There could be a good chance that one of the reasons your local marketing isn’t growing is because you’re attracting irrelevant hits, or that you’re not capitalizing enough on another source.

Bite Sized, Valuable Content

If someone is searching for why their knee hurts or the symptoms of the flu, they might spend some time reading Dr. Google’s findings. Alternatively, if someone is searching for a local business, they want the answer fast. That’s why it is important to consolidate your content to snackable content that is easy for search engines to pick up. One easy way of doing this is to make sure all your business pages are claimed and filled out correctly and that all your ads and landing pages get straight to the point.

5 of Our Local Ranking Secrets
5 of Our Local Ranking Secrets

Hey, Siri?

As you know, voice search is absolutely booming. This is making more long-form keyphrases such as “Is there a plumber in my area?” the norm, whereas “plumber los angeles” used to be the norm. Make sure you are optimizing for these keywords and getting them plugged into your metadata.

Keep Asking for Reviews

If you think you’re ready to take on a larger market outside of your local one, make sure that you have a wealth of reviews. By totally dominating your local marketing in every single aspect – including reviews – you will be able to have a better shot at larger demographics. Make sure there are lots of people online talking about how great you are and make sure you are thanking them. For more information on how to deal with reviews online, check out this blog.

Want more of our local ranking secrets? Give us a call! We’re pretty much experts at this stuff, so we have lots to give.

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