digital marketing method los angeles marketing agency

The 3 Types of Digital Marketing Methods You Need

Ready to be listed higher on search engine result pages? Of course you are. SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) are performed to do just that to help your digital marketing – raise the ranking of websites in search results for specific keyword phrases. With a well-planned strategy, you can increase visibility, drive more traffic to your website, and generate more leads.

You’d be surprised just how many channels it takes to help boost your overall SEO and SEM work – it’s not just about clever copywriting and PPC ads anymore. With the right strategies, you can easily boost your SEO and get more organic traffic. We rounded up 3 of the most overlooked digital marketing methods that you’re probably missing out on and should be doing.

Video Marketing

Did you know that YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world? It’s connected to Google, which is what makes it oh-so-powerful. I know what you’re thinking: What makes YouTube a search engine? Well, have you ever noticed the little Video tab at the top of a Google search page, near where you’d click for Images? It’s all YouTube videos and these days when people are searching for something they’d much prefer a quick visualization rather than having to read a lengthy website. YouTube is a great way to increase your website’s visibility and organic search engine rankings. With the right strategy, you can get more views, subscribers, and links back to your website. The more videos you’re able to get on YouTube linking back to your site, the better your SEO will perform. That’s why it is important to make sure that your videos are optimized for search to help your overall ranking online, and if you’re not making videos – it is time to start.

Affiliate Marketing

Ever told someone about a great store you visited, or a really good movie you just saw? Now, imagine getting paid for giving those honest recommendations. Sounds pretty good, right? This is called Affiliate Marketing, and it is a favorite of e-commerce retailers around the world. It is commission-based, and the merchant pays commission only after a successful sale or transaction. The secret sauce? It has tremendous SEO benefits as it creates one-way links back to the merchant’s site. The more people you have spreading the word about your business, the stronger your brand becomes.

Influencer Marketing

We’ve seen it a thousand times – Kim Kardashian-types posing with diet tea, sunglasses, or tagging restaurants and hotels that have given them an all-expenses-paid experience. Some call them famous for doing nothing – we call them Influencers.

Leveraging someone’s followers in exchange for a free product, service, or experience, or even a small fee, is one of the most effective methods of brand awareness today. It’s also got great SEO benefits, as it instantly drives tons of organic traffic to your website. Think of it this way: An influencer will post about your business, their followers will instantly trust you and they will flock to your website to make purchases. SEO gold! If you see someone on social media who matches your ideal customer profile and has a large number of followers, do whatever you can to get your product or service on their feed.

Ready to rank?

Not sure how to get started? Give us a call, we will help you – we’ve been SEO experts since 2003.

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