Write Email Blasts That People Actually Open
Email marketing is as strong as ever and should not be overlooked. It is the oldest form of digital marketing and has proven year after year that it is just as strong as ever. If you’re not using email marketing, then you are missing out on a big way to grow your business. If you’re ready to use email marketing but have no idea what to write, we have some tips to get them opened.
Personalize It
People don’t like feeling like they are on an email list and being marketed to. Use your name in the “From” field instead of your company’s name, and use the “To” name codes to add their first name and personalize their message in that field. This will help the reader feel less like they are part of a blanket email, and like the message was crafted just for them.
In addition, make sure you use the word “you” a lot. It is the most persuasive word in the English language and will make them feel like you are empathizing with them. Nobody wants to be stuck in a conversation where the other person only talks about themselves the whole time, so make sure you are being relatable and helpful.
Use Emojis
Did you know that fifty-six percent of brands that add emojis to subject lines see an increase in open rates? Emojis are a huge part of communication these days, adding a certain tone and oomph to our messages. Emojis also help make your email subject lines stand out in the sea of emails people receive every day. Anything you can do to capture a reader’s eye should be taken advantage of since you only have a couple seconds to capture it. It can make the difference of being opened instead of being sent to the trash.
Make It Useful
People want an incentive to open your email in order for it to be worth their time. If they are constantly receiving emails from you with no value, then they will either unsubscribe or start deleting them. Make sure you always give your readers some value, whether that is a coupon code or a helpful tip for something relevant.
If you’re a gardening business, you can give helpful tips for how to successfully grow herbs in the summer – or give a coupon code for them to just hire you to come do it for them. Always find a way to tie in a reward for opening your email, that way whenever they see you pop up in their inbox they know they will be getting something good.
Keep It Short
Simply put: everyone is busy. Get to the point quickly and don’t be too text-heavy in your emails. Include images and use bullet points or broken-up paragraphs so that your reader can easily read what you are trying to say. Sending long email messages with tons of paragraphs and no images are boring – and no one has time for them. Keep it short and sweet.
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